April 28, 2006
How To /

UnderConstruction. There are really many ways to create links.

Table of contents of this page
Automatic links   
Wiki links (using CamelCase)   
InterWiki links   
Wiki links - Extensions   
Standard Internet Addresses (protocols)   
Other Shorthand Links   
Link commands   
Free Links   
Bracket Links   
CDML Links   
Special Needs   
Blank Characters in page names   
Open a link target in a separate browser window   

Automatic links    

There are a lot of links that are created automatically from the written text. They look exactly like they are written (kind of WYSIWYG):

Wiki links (using CamelCase)    

InterWiki links    

Wiki links - Extensions    

  • Help (word linking, if configured)
  • HowTo/Link (subpages, complete name)
  • HowTo/Link#CDML (referencing a subtitle)

Standard Internet Addresses (protocols)    

Other Shorthand Links    

  • ISBN 0-201-71499-X (International Standard Book Number, you can configure to which shop it will point)
  • RFC 1925 (Request For Comment, the Internet "standards")


Link commands    

There are a number of reasons to chose more complicated forms of linking.

Free Links    

FreeLinks are used to specify pagenames that are not recognized by the software automatically. The syntax uses double curly brackets {{...}}, for example a free link.

Bracket Links    


CDML Links    


Special Needs    

Blank Characters in page names    

If you want a blank within a page name, you can either use

Open a link target in a separate browser window