Please Translate
This page is built for small translation needs that turn up in daily programming work.
Please turn to PleaseContribute#Translations if you want to do a complete translation for a new language not yet covered.
Note: sometimes a comment ("... # some explanation") is added to the English original to explain it better. You need not translate this comment.
Translations needed
For LabelSpellCheck:
- SpChk # a short abbreviation for "spell checking"
For ActionPublish:
- Publish
- Publishing
- The page %PAGE% was published to %TARGETPAGE%.
For CdmlSvg:
- SVG-Plugin missing - please install
Local interwiki name:
In the EditForm:
- saved text of the previous author
For the PageArchive:
- Revision %REVISION% of %PAGENAME%
For ActionToobig:
For Action Toosmall: