December 10, 2006
Feature Requests /
Fractal Wiki Visualization

This is a first draft...

A proposal by YannLeGuennec, OlivierAuber and ChristopheDucamp

General idea

  • To display RecentChanges as a browsable colored canva
  • Colors are attributed by users to translate the presence of certain keywords in the the RSS feed, i.e. they names.
  • The last change is situated top left. The oldest one down right.
  • To display the canva of the current branch of a FractalWiki into the upper banner ( example)
  • To let people browse the canva of the upper banches or sub-branches of the FractalWiki.
  • The Admin of a certain branch may choose to aggregate some sub-branches in his canva.


Global view of

Implementation onto some sub-branches of FR/FractalWiki


Work in progress

(to help people customize the visualization)

See also

Just a trial to display the last changes of some wikis of wikis (maybe to be refined onto MeatBall?)

A working demo to let Wikipedians visualize their own watchlist or share whatchlist (to be translated)

Feedback welcome
