May 7, 2006
Command /
Action Log

This is an administrator function that returns session display and optional statistic data for a number of days.

  • ThisWiki:action=log (do this at your wiki, you typically won't be able to follow this link, because the chance is low that you are an administrator of the ProWiki)

days=7 The length of the period. Note this may may create really large tables that may make the server program fault.
(default: days=1)
more=1 The limit for the sum=1 / NIPmore evaluation.
(default: more=1)
sum=1 Adds a number of statistical evalutations.
(default: sum=0)
names=1 Adds a display of user / login names.
(default: names=0)
robots=1 Also displays robot sessions.
(default: names=0)
admins=0 Don't display administrator sessions.
(default: admins=1)
lines=0 Suppress the display of the individual sessions (usually used with sum=1 or names=1)
(default: lines=1)
gap=10 The maximum time interval in minutes between accesses that are still to be counted within one session.
(default: gap=20)
select=xyz Only display accesses that have xyz in their data (may be used to select IPs, user names and pages.
(default: undefined)
select=xyz Don't display accesses that have xyz in their data (may be used to select IPs, user names and pages.
(default: undefined)

Legend for sum=1

  • Hsum: total sessions timespan (hours)
  • Sessions: numbers of sessions
  • Singles: numbers of 1-access-sessions (typically a visitor from a search engine who didn't read on)
  • Pages: number of directly accessed pages (no actions)
  • Edits: number of edits and previews
  • Actions: number of all other actions
  • XPS: accesses per session
  • SECPS: seconds per session
  • SECPX: seconds per access (average page read time)
  • NIPs: number of different IPs
  • NIPmore: number of IPs that accessed the wiki more than more times during the timespan. If you use about "days=more*more" you will get a rough estimate for the number of regulars of your wiki (e.g. days=1 and more=1, days=4 and more=2, days=25 and more=5, ...)

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FolderWikiFeatures FolderCommands