January 26, 2010
Cdml Mark
From: CdmlElements


This CmdlElement allows simple marking or highlighting of certain words or passages of text.

Two slightly different versions of this command are available:

  • The short form of this command allows highlights in six common colors, which are optimized for readability.
  • In the long form of this command, each of the 16 millions of colors can be chosen for the background of the highlighted words.


The line:

This Word is important.

can be created either in the short form with:
: This [[red]Word] is important.

or in the long form with:
: This [[mark][color=#FFAABB]Word] is important.


The short form requires only a colorname to be specified. Valid colornames are: "red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "pink" and "orange"; e.g. [red]

For the long form:
  • color: The color-code or a color-name has to be specified (default: #AACCFF); e.g. [color=#FFAABB].
Note: When in the long version the color is specified with a color-name rather than a color-code, the resulting color is NOT identical the one from the short form of the command (using the same color-name)! (e.g. [[red]Word] is not the same as [[mark][color=red]Word])

(see also: HtmlColorCodes, CdmlColorNames)

More Examples

The following example:

This text is highlighted in red, green, blue, yellow, pink and orange.

is created from:
: This text is highlighted in [[red]red], [[green]green], 
[[blue]blue], [[yellow]yellow], [[pink]pink] and 

The example:
The six colors shown in the previous paragraph can be created very easily, but generally highlighting is possible in each required color.

is created from:
: The six colors shown in the previous paragraph can be created 
very easily, but generally [[mark][color=#ffcc33]highlighting] 
is [[mark][color=#dddddd]possible] in [[mark][color=#88dddd]
each required color].

And, finally, the line:

This Word has not the same color as this Word

results from:

: This [[red]Word] has not the same color as this [[mark][color=red]Word]
